Bravely Default Edea Lee POP UP PARADE Figure Pre-Orders Available; 2023 Shipment

Square Enix and Good Smile have listed a new POP UP PARADE figure depicting Edea Lee from the first Bravely Default. Sculpted by NEQ with paintwork by Tomofumi (WATANA BOX), pre-orders are available until March 9, 2023.

In case you missed it, the protagonist of the first Bravely Default, Tiz Arrior, had his own POP UP PARADE figure available for pre-order. The primary heroine, Agnès Oblige, also had a POP UP PARADE figure of her own.

Images of the upcoming Edea Lee figure are viewable via our gallery below:

Good Smile Global and United States storefronts are listed below:

If you missed it, check out our review of Bravely Default II’s initial Nintendo Switch release.

Bravely Default II is now available on Switch and PC.

Bravely Default II introduces four new Heroes of Light as they embark on a mission guided by the elemental crystals. Like Bravely Default and Bravely SecondBravely Default II features a battle system that allows players to choose different ways to approach a fight. During encounters, players can decide when to attack, known as Brave, or hold back and wait for the best moment to strike, known as Default.

Building up actions also allows players to unleash powerful attacks against enemies, including skills and magic. The game also includes a job class system where players can switch their characters’ abilities to fit their playstyle. has also been updated, along with a new map for players to explore.

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Orpheus Joshua

Random gamer equally confused by the mainstream and the unusual.