Visual Novel ‘Silver:Line’ Launches Kickstarter With Free Demo

CodeV Productions launched the Kickstarter campaign for their fantasy visual novel Silver:Line, in development for PC.

The campaign was launched to help fund the game’s development which is currently ahead of schedule and 35% complete. The developer mentions that there’s always a possibility for a delay, but they will stay full transparent with fans throughout the game’s development.

As for the game itself, the company is asking for $16,815 to fully fund the project. Backers can receive a copy of the game with a $26 pledge, with options for a physical copy as well.

In order to show more of what the developer has in store for players, the team has also included a free demo of the game with around 2 hours of gameplay and fully voiced character along with 11 CG images.

Siliver:Line has players choose a male or female protagonist, however, it seems that the story puts the player as more of a supporting character role to the other members of the narrative. Players will make choices during the game that will alter the story and the flow of events.

During the story, players will find themselves being thrown into turmoil as a series of events force them out of their leisure life in the Royal City. Now, they are forced to flee the country and run for their lives with the help of a unique cast of characters.

The game feature 6 romanceable routes with fully animated sprites and more than 10 hours of gameplay for the final release.

Silver:Line is in development for PC, with a stretch goal for Nintendo Switch and Android support.

You can check out the Kickstarter trailer below:

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Azario Lopez

Hanging out max, relaxing all cool.