Square Enix Continues to Tease FFVII Fans by Trademarking “Ever Crisis” in North America

Recently, Square Enix filed three trademarks relating to Final Fantasy VII, one of which was titled Ever Crisis.

The trademark is thought to be tied to the PSP release Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, which stars the SOLDIER Member Zach and takes place before Final Fantasy VII. Much has been rumored about the title as it has been exclusive to the PSP without receiving a digital release.

Now, Ever Crisis has been trademarked in North America, joining Australia and Europe. It shouldn’t be long until fans hear more about the project, but all we can do is speculate.

There’s also related news about Final Fantasy VII Remake happening during the Final Fantasy VII Orchestra event taking place on February 13. During the event, co-director Motomu Toriyama says, “There will be a special part of the concert where I’ll make an appearance and talk about a few FF7R contents to be revealed only during this event, so please tune in!” Twitter user aitaikimochi translated the message.

This announcement could very well be the PC or additional console announcement fans have been waiting for. The game has been tied to PlayStation 4 exclusivity since launch, and I’m sure other platform holders are eager to experience the adventure themselves. This could also confirm a PlayStation 5 version, which currently, there are no current-gen enhancements.

We’ll be sure to keep you updated.

In case you missed it, check out our review of Final Fantasy VII Remake or even the official size of Tifa’s breasts.

Thanks, Gematsu.

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Azario Lopez

Hanging out max, relaxing all cool.