My Hero One’s Justice Details Pre-Order Bonuses and DLC

Bandai Namco revealed DLC for their upcoming action anime fighter My Hero One’s Justice, coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC-via Steam on October 26.

Fans who pre-order the game will receive Endeavor as a playable character. Endeavor is the father of Shoto Todoroki and also ranked second highest of all of Japan’s heroes with the highest number of resolved cases in history. In battle, players will learn to use Endeavor’s Quirk which allows him to manipulate first at will.

Fans who don’t pre-order the game can purchase Endeavor at a later date along with new missions exclusive to Endeavor once he is a playable character.

On launch day, players will also be able to download Deku Shoot Style as a playable character for free. After downloading his unique missions can be purchased through the respective online store.

Additionally, a day-one patch will unlock Arcade Mode where players can compete against several CPU opponents and unlock an exclusive item.

Based on the anime My Hero Academia, My Hero One’s Justice allows players to play as their favorite heroes and villains through arena style fighting. Throughout the story, players will make choices towards their own individual path to justice as well as bring side-kick fighters into battle with them to utilize their Quirks.

You can check out new screenshots below:

Author’s take: As a fan of the source material, I’m pretty excited for this game even though I haven’t heard too much hype around it. I really want to see how the developers used this IP to create a unique story arch in this universe.

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Azario Lopez

Hanging out max, relaxing all cool.