Horror Adventure ‘Home Sweet Home EP.2’ Shows Environments in New Trailer

YggGame released a new trailer for the horror adventure Home Sweet Home EP.2, coming to PC-via Steam on September 25.

The trailer quickly shows new environments in the game, which players will be able to explore. Everything seems to have an ancient look to it with bloody floors and walls being the focus here. It’s definitely a freaky trailer so it has our attention.

Home Sweet Home EP.2 follows Tim who is searching for answers regarding his missing wife. Strangely, he finds himself waking up in a forest and encountered possessed villagers who might be controlled by a spirit known as the Thai Dancer. Tim must navigate the forest and evade these dangerous people all while piecing together clues about his missing wife because that’s still a plot point in all this.

The game is based on Thai culture and architecture and inspired by Thai myths and folklore. During gameplay, Tim will be able to fight back against the spirit as he now has a few weapons at his disposal. The game also features puzzles that require some skill from the player, but ultimately these puzzles each have something to do with Tim’s missing wife.

You can watch the gameplay trailer below:

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Azario Lopez

Hanging out max, relaxing all cool.