Silent Hill Ascension Announced; Live, Real-Time Interactive Series 2023

During Konami’s Silent Hill Transmission showcase, Silent Hill Ascension was announced by Genvid, Bad Robot Games, Behavior, and DJ2 Entertainment. The Genvid CEO and chief executive officer, Jacob Navok, explains this as a new type of Silent Hill experience: a live, real-time interactive series. Fans will watch a story unfold and decide on decisions together.

Director JJ Abrams and the Art Director of Bad Robot Games also share brief messages, alongside Mathieu Cote and the Vice President Creative of Behavior Entertainment, Chris Ferriera.

The website for the project is up, and the series is expected to go live in 2023.

You can view the timestamped trailer and following discussions below:

You can view the official trailer below:

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Orpheus Joshua

Random gamer equally confused by the mainstream and the unusual.