Tales of Arise Set to Collab With Scarlet Nexus Soon

This morning, the official Tales of series Twitter account announced that Tales of Arise, the latest console Tales game, will be collaborating with Scarlet Nexus soon.

This crossover, which takes the form of cosmetic and weapon DLC, allows Alphen to use a sword based on Yuito’s katana from Scarlet Nexus, as well as a head accessory. Scarlet Nexus will get some crossover DLC of its own, allowing Yuito to use Alphen’s Blazing Blade, as well as his broken mask. There are no quests or anything of the sort, so this collab is purely through items. You can check out the items in action in the set of images below, which show off the DLC items in both games.

It’s unclear what the price will be for these items (or if they’ll just be free,) but we’ll keep you updated as further information comes out.

We included both titles on quite a few of our GOTY lists last year, so if you’re interested in either game, be sure to check out our written reviews of Tales of Arise and Scarlet Nexus, as well as our lists and the Tales of Arise video review below:

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Spencer Legacy

Based in the arctic tundra known as Toronto, Spencer is a rotten weeb who likes RPGs, fighting games, and Jump manga.