Deathsmiles I・II Announced for PC; Summer 2022 Release

Developer Zerodiv and publisher City Connection have announced that their arcade shooter, Deathsmiles I・II, will be released for PC in Summer 2022. However, no specific date or price point was provided. These shoot ’em up games boast a compelling art style containing endearing controllable characters known as Angels, set within the contrasting gothic setting of Gilverado.

Despite its title, this package actually includes 3 experiences with multiple playable modes:

  • Deathsmiles – The first title that was initially released in 2007, including Arcade / Normal / Ver 1.1.
  • Deathsmiles Mega Black Label – An enhanced iteration of the first game, including Arcade / Normal / Ver 1.1.
  • Deathsmiles IIX Merry Christmas in Hell – The full sequel, including Arcade / IIX / Arrange.

Training modes are also incorporated to enhance beginner and expert play. Stage settings and player abilities can be altered to make the titles more fitting for varying crowds.

The announcement tweet for this collection’s PC Summer 2022 arrival is below:

Deathsmiles I・II is currently available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

On consoles, this collection launched with DLC through a collaboration with the mobile shmup RPG Gothic wa Mahou Otome. With this extra content, players could go through the campaign as Cattleya, Plumeria, Ranun, Souffle, and Rosalie in specific modes. The new characters were also balanced for the Deathsmiles campaign. However, the inclusion of this DLC for the PC version is not yet known.

You can check out the official Steam store page for Deathsmiles I・II for more intricate information.

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Orpheus Joshua

Random gamer equally confused by the mainstream and the unusual.