Ringo Presents Soul Hackers 2 April 15th Daily Demon; Vermillion Bird, Suzaku

Link to Daily Demons from March

This thirty-seventh video’s contents have been translated by our team’s Ryuji, viewable below:

Today’s Demon of the Day that I see is…Suzaku! Which means…

Today’s luckiest constellation is Virgo! Suzaku is known as the Vermillion Bird, which is one of the Four Symbols [of the Chinese constellations], and [inside the Taoist five-elemental system], it also represents fire!

Like a bird, your luck will be soaring high, though do be careful not to hit the sun on your way up.

…Something like that. Well then, see you tomorrow!

You can view the April 15 Daily Demon video for Soul Hackers 2 below:

For those unaware, Soul Hackers is a Shin Megami Tensei offshoot that last released for the 3DS, under Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers. Initially, Soul Hackers was considered an entry in the Devil Summoner subseries of Shin Megami Tensei games. However, with Soul Hackers 2, it is now its own series while still retaining some ties to the subfranchise.

Atlus West has announced that the game will have the option to choose between English and Japanese audio, with English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish subtitle options also being selectable, providing greater audience accessibility.

Soul Hackers 2 will release on August 26, 2022, on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. View the official website for more information.

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Orpheus Joshua

Random gamer equally confused by the mainstream and the unusual.