Tactical RPG ‘Aster Tatariqus’ Coming West Later This Year

Gumi Inc. announced they will publish the tactical RPG Aster Tatariqus in the West on iOS and Andriod devices later in 2023.

The publisher will release pre-launch information as we get closer to the release. Aster Tatariqus tells an emotional story focused on four characters, Noir, Lancelot, Guinevere, and Dinatan. Noir is tasked with the responsibility of saving the world. In his struggle against enemies known as the Barbaroi, he learns of a mysterious power and has to make a difficult choice that will utterly redefine his destiny.

During fights, players will have full control of battlefield strategy—character and weapon selection, statistical customization, movement, and combat. Outside of battle, players can “fully immerse themselves in the rich storyline of the game.”

The game is developed by Studio FgG, a subsidiary of Gumi Inc. Studio FgG has previously developed renowned mobile games such as The Alchemist Code and War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvious (Published by Square Enix, Inc).

We’ll keep you updated on the Western release. New information will be provided on the official website.

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Azario Lopez

Hanging out max, relaxing all cool.