D3Publisher Reveals ‘Ed-0: Zombie Uprising’ A Game That Should Have Been Onechanbara; Early Access Release Date Set for April

D3Publisher revealed a new action zombie killing game titled Ed-0: Zombie Uprising in development for PC-via Steam.

Ed-0: Zombie Uprising is labeled to be an action roguelike where players head into procedurally generated dungeons and kill zombies. The game is aiming to launch in Early Access on April 4 so the team can get feedback on development. They add that players who take part in the Early Access will be able to improve, optimize, and build out the game before its official launch, with frequent updates added.

Strangely, this game isn’t tied to the publisher’s other zombie killing action game, Onechanbara. That’s probably a missed opportunity as that series has a fan base, but who am I to knock someone from building out a new IP.

Early Access is planned to last for six months—or more based on feedback—to provide additional content, polish, and balancing that will improve the experience for fans.

The Early Access launch will include:

  • Two playable characters, with a third coming later in Early Access.
  • 10+ hours of gameplay are available right away.
  • Three main quests, five sub-quests, and three main bosses.
  • 100+ skills and items.
  • Everything is randomly generated for every run.
  • Adjustable high degree of difficulty.
  • Countless surprises and unpredictable adversaries.

Ed-0: Zombie Uprising is sent in a fictional Edo-era Japan where hordes of zombies have taken over. Players must choose a character, each with a unique ability, and head out to destroy as many as possible. The game is a roguelike so expect to die, strengthen your team, and then play again.

You can watch the Early Access trailer below:

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Azario Lopez

Hanging out max, relaxing all cool.