Sony Confirms PSP Content Will Remain Available for Purchase on PS3 and Vita Stores

Sony has recently updated the Important Notices page of their official website in Europe and North America, with new information regarding the accessibility of purchasing PSP games for the foreseeable future.

The updated section of their page regarding the existence of the PSP storefront states that although users will “…no longer be able to perform searches or make in-game purchases” on the PSP digital store after July 6, 2021, it will still be possible to purchase PSP games and other content related to the device via the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita stores after the aforementioned date.

This is certainly relieving news, but it does not entirely rid the potentiality of PSP content vanishing forever in the future. To be blunt, everything regarding Sony’s treatment of their older storefronts is questionable and concerning. It shows a lack of care for their legacy in a way, and it enhances my desire to see every single one of these PSP, PlayStation 3, and PS Vita games join Sony’s current digital storefront on PlayStation 5, as unrealistic of a dream that is.

As for now, you should buy any PSP content you would like to own while still possible because we truly have no idea when Sony will finally rid their collective existence entirely.

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Orpheus Joshua

Random gamer equally confused by the mainstream and the unusual.