Top Hat Studios to Release Final PS Vita Titles Later This Month: Sense and Synergia

The time has come to say goodbye my friends, Top Hat Studios has announced that they will launch what could be the final PlayStation Vita title in the west. Yuri visual novel Synergia and horror adventure Sense: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story will both launch on April 27, 2021.

Both titles are featured as cross-buy so if you own the PlayStation 4 version or want the Vita version, just be sure to download both. The game will be available for around 4 months until they are removed from the store along with the shut down of the PSN on the platform.

Due to technical reasons and time constraints, they were not able to get the game rated in time by PEGI and SIEE so the games will only launch in North America and Asia.

Influenced by games like the Fatal Frame and Clock Tower series, Sense: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story has plenty of gamers interested in its cyberpunk noir premise and world. Sense: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story is set in 2083 Neo Hong Kong as a woman named Mei-Lin Mak is dragged into some unexpected supernatural horror. Mei’s perception of reality is brought into question as she finds herself deeper down the rabbit hole of this mystery.

Synergia tells the story of Cila, a veteran cop with a chip on her shoulder. However, things begin to change when a friend replaces her broken-down house droid as a favor with a newer android model named M.A.R.A. What follows is a relationship that builds between the two as Cila’s toughed exterior begins to weaken. Throughout the story, Cila and Mara’s relationship grows until a technological giant named Velta Labs gets wind of Mara’s existence and takes an interest in her.

In case you missed it, check out our review of Sense: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story and Synergia.

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Azario Lopez

Hanging out max, relaxing all cool.