Mato Anomalies Launches ‘Digital Shadows’ DLC Adding New Playable Character, Scenarios and Dungeons

Prime Matter has launched new DLC for the Arrowiz-developed JRPG Mato Anomalies on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam in 2023.

Titled Digital Shadows, this is the first expansion for Mato Anomalies, where players have the opportunity to dive deeper into the game’s narrative. However, players are able to experience it from “the other side.”

During the DLC campaign, players take control of Gram’s android companion SkyEye to team up with Mist and explore the virtual dimension of Mato and free it from the digital threats lurking in the dark web.

The DLC is free to those who have purchased the Digital Deluxe Edition, but it is available now to all players. The game and DLC are currently available at a discount.

Mato Anomalies is a JRPG where players join up with Doe to uncover secrets behind the invasion of supernatural creatures found around Mato. The game features futuristic environments to explore, set in a post-apocalyptic world. During gameplay, players will investigate and take part in battles while diving deeper into dungeons.

In case you missed it, check out our review.

You can watch the DLC trailer below:

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Azario Lopez

Hanging out max, relaxing all cool.