Light Novel ‘Memory’s Dogma Code:02’ English Release Scheduled for Q1 2023; Sequel to Visual Novel Memory’s Dogma Code:01

Sekai Project announced they will publish the first entry of the light novels from LizArts based on the Memory’s Dogma series, Memory’s Dogma Code:02, in Q1 of 2023.

The publisher confirmed these light novels would take place after the events of the visual novel Memory’s Dogma: CODE 01. Sadly, there are no plans to release the remaining entries of the series in visual novel format due to timing and budget.

When asked why these chapters are not visual novels, the publisher explained development issues ultimately stalled the rest of the series to be produced as future game releases. To give fans the ability to finish the rest of the tale and enjoy the remaining paths to be seen in the story, Sekai Project decided with LizArts to create individual character tales for each volume.

Memory’s Dogma CODE:01 was released in 2016 on PC via Steam in the west. The series is set in the year 2030 A.D., where human memories can be saved and recorded through a technology known as e-Memory. The story follows Kusuhara Hiroki, who is struggling to go on living after the passing of his friend Mizunashi Sorano. He steals her memories to reveal the truth.

The publisher has also confirmed they will release the other entries in the series, CODE:03, CODE:04, and CODE:05, in the Light Novel format.

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Azario Lopez

Hanging out max, relaxing all cool.