Ninetail-Developed JRPG ‘Gears of Dragoon: Fragments of a New Era’ Gets Western Release Date; Of Course There’s Tentacles

JAST USA announced they will publish the Ninetail-developer EroRPG dungeon crawler Gears of Dragoon: Fragments of a New Era on PC via the JAST Store on September 28, 2023.

The release date is also coinciding with the developer’s 10-year anniversary of creating games. Gears of Dragoon: Fragments of a New Era is a part of the Gears of Dragoon series, but it is also a standalone release featuring dungeon crawling systems. During gameplay, players will explore a labyrinth beneath a city that’s full of treasures and danger. Evidently, if you reach the bottom of the labyrinth, the truth behind the land’s problems will be revealed along with a whole lot of treasure.

The story picks up after a fateful discovery of an ancient machine emerged from the depths of the labyrinth, its restoration revealing astonishing power and unparalleled convenience. This discovery ignited an intense fascination among divergent civilizations, setting the stage for adventure. As the gears of fate begin to churn, an era of uncertainty and intrigue unfolded.

Inspired by his late father’s parting words urging him to unravel the secrets of history and harness the hidden might concealed within the ruins, Rosta, a spirited young “undergrounder,” embarks on a daring quest to confront the enigmatic labyrinth. Driven by an insatiable curiosity, he braves the unknown, ready to face the labyrinth’s challenges and unlock the ancient mysteries that lay ahead.

We’ll keep you updated on the release of Gears of Dragoon: Fragments of a New Era.

You can check out the screenshots below:

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Azario Lopez

Hanging out max, relaxing all cool.