Bokeh Game Studio CEO Interviews Danganronpa Creator Kazutaka Kodaka on Scriptwriting, Directing, Rain Code, and More

Bokeh Game Studio has uploaded a new video in its Golden Hour series, where CEO Keiichiro Toyama discussed directing, script writing, game development, and careers over a few drinks with Danganronpa and Rain Code creator Kazutaka Kodaka.

The two discuss Kodaka-san’s approach to game development and his roles in the industry. It’s a candid and relaxed interview between two friends about their past successes and the titles they are working on now. They even manage to Uchikoshi-san, who evidently sleeps all day and only works at night.

It’s an excellent interview to watch, so we encourage you to watch the entire video.

Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE has players control an amnesiac detective who is followed by a Shinigami and solve cases by examining crime scenes and evidence. The Shinigami will create a realm connecting the crime scene to the truth. Mystery Phantoms will try to impede your progress, and defeating them by utilizing the truth is the only way to go.

The gameplay comprises exploration throughout the Kanai Ward, which is entirely 3D. Players will have to examine several crime scenes and other locations alongside interviewing involved parties. Hidden clues are emphasized as being hidden via specific camera angles.

In case you missed it, check out our review of the game.

You can watch the video below:

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Azario Lopez

Hanging out max, relaxing all cool.