Co-Op RPG ‘TrinityS’ Announces 1.0 October Release on PS4 and PS5

Phoenixx announced that the Indie-us Games-developed co-op RPG TrinityS will launch its 1.0 version on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 on October 20, 2023.

TrinityS is described as an MMO-like game without the grinding. Players can join up with others to take on large-scale boss fights. The battles require players to understand the battlefield to avoid damage within the arena. Further, timing and communication with your teammates become another key area of survival.

The developer does share that the game can be played solo with AI companions to help you against the boss battles. This will also allow you to experiment with various skills and learn to play as other characters.

TrinityS is currently in Steam Early Access as the developers balance the action system and release new modes such as Time Attack. The team also shared plans to release new skills and equipment for characters.

The current list of playable characters includes Grey, the knight; Emile, the wizard; and Bell, the priest. Online co-op supports up to three players.

We’ll keep you updated on the development and release of the console version of TrinityS.

The developers also shared a trailer showing the game running on the PlayStation console.

You can watch the trailer below to get a better idea of gameplay:

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Azario Lopez

Hanging out max, relaxing all cool.