Romance Visual Novel ‘Under One Wing’ Delayed Due to Unforeseen Circumstances

Sol Press announced that Harmorise developed visual novel Under One Wing will be delayed from its February 15 launch on PC-via Steam to a new release date of late February.

The publisher revealed that Under One Wing will be delayed due to circumstances “outside of their control”. The team went on to apologize for the delay and also for the short notice to fans looking forward to the game’s release. The team adds that they had no intentions of the delaying the game and hope that they can resolve the issue in the coming weeks.

The publisher finishes their post by saying, “Once again we apologize for letting down our fans, and hope you will continue to support us both with this release and in the future.”

Under One Wing features four character routes and full female voice acting as well as authentic information about WW2 Japanese prototypes planes that never made it to the battlefield. The visual has about 20 hours of content.

You can read our other reviews of Sol Press published titles: Sakura Sakura and Newton and the Appletree

Author’s take: Hopefully the team clears up everything, it doesn’t seem like they saw this delay coming so good luck to them on their release.

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