Immortals Fenyx Rising Sequel Cancelled for Ubisoft to Focus on Core Franchises

Ubisoft was reportedly working on a sequel to their new IP Immortals Fenyx Rising. However, the team has been directed to work on other core franchises. This move is unsurprising with the recent announcement of an Assassin’s Creed Black Flag and the soon-to-be-released Mirage.

In a statement to IGN, Ubisoft clarified that the team was allocated to yet unannounced projects that will make the most out of the technologies developed for Immortals Fenyx Rising.

This means that while the current sequel is cancelled, there isn’t any reason it couldn’t be brought back at a later time, especially if the technology used in Fenyx comes back in other ways. We will report on any updates to this story as they happen.

Immortals Fenyx Rising is an open-world adventure title set amidst Greek mythology. By taking control of Fenyx and donning the fabled Wings of Daidalos, players can explore the majestic and destructible Golden Isle. The title boasts several collectibles and a pretty varied array of systems with plenty of tasks to complete and ways to defeat foes. Plus, puzzles are spread out, adding variety and freedom to the gameplay loop.

Immortals Fenyx Rising is available on Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and PC via the Ubisoft+ service.

In case you missed it, check out our review of the title’s original release.

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Nathan Mejia

The guy who will play anything you throw at him. Will talk your ear off about anything and everything Video Game, Music, and Anime related. You have been warned.