Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 Announced; Squidward & Jimmy Neutron Confirmed

Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl has been somewhat well-received by the community as a platform fighter, including many characters from hit Nickelodeon shows from across the entire network’s time. The game previously added voice acting for characters and items in a free update. Well, this time, the team announced that Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 is now in development with a trailer.

This trailer highlights the first game’s success and the number of characters implemented into the game, at first acting as an announcement for Squidward until the actual announcement was dropped. Squidward and Jimmy Neutron have already been confirmed for the sequel, with more characters, new gameplay, a campaign, and better-looking environments.

Currently, there has been no release date given, but we will report on any new developments as they come out. Fans can check out the trailer below to see the announcement.

This title boasts rollback netcode for increased responsiveness for all involved players. Further, the intricacy of the cast’s movesets is not to be underestimated, with the game’s lightning fast-paced requiring intense skill from those serious about being competitive.

Still, casual fans have plenty to enjoy, such as iconic environments like Jellyfish Fields from the SpongeBob SquarePants television show. Helga, Zim, Nigel Thornberry, and many more characters are also playable. Humorously, Jimmy Neutron is not around despite his father joining the game later this year. Poor Jimmy.

Nickelodeon AllStar Brawl 2 has been announced for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One.

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Nathan Mejia

The guy who will play anything you throw at him. Will talk your ear off about anything and everything Video Game, Music, and Anime related. You have been warned.