FromSoftware’s Enchanted Arms Not Purchasable on Xbox Store; Page Still Up

We live in an age where digital games make up the bulk of most people’s purchases; this convenience is something we take for granted. So, today marked a surprise when gamers noticed that Enchanted Arms from developer FromSoftware was no longer purchasable on the Xbox Store.

The page, however, has yet to be removed from the store. Instead of giving the option to buy the title, a greyed-out button says this item cannot be sold separately.

This is a common occurrence on digital storefronts when items in a bundle are being sold and need their own store listing but are not sold individually. This would typically imply that Enchanted Arms is being sold as a bundle, although searching yields no results and only gives the single store listing. So, it is currently unclear if the page will eventually be removed from the store altogether.

You can check out the store listing here.

Enchanted Arms is an RPG released on the Xbox 360 and PS3, having players take control of Atsuma, a student with dreams of becoming an enchanter. Players will need to master moving their characters to maximize damage output while keeping elemental weaknesses in mind.

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Nathan Mejia

The guy who will play anything you throw at him. Will talk your ear off about anything and everything Video Game, Music, and Anime related. You have been warned.